News from and about the port


Port Oostende celebrates 25th anniversary with inspiring event


MPI Adventure colors the skyline of Port Oostende


Port Oostende welcomes Business Development Director

DecomWind legal framework for decommissioning of on- and offshore wind turbines

DecomWind workshop Legal Framework for decom on- and offshore wind turbines

Start Stapelhuis Entrepot

Start of renovation and new use of Stapelhuis Entrepot

Charlotte Verkeyn, voorzitter Haven Oostende bij het superveilig hekwerk

Port Oostende takes flight forward with investment in super security

Launch DecomWind Platform

Launch DecomWind Platform

Ostend Science Park

GEOxyz is second player to choose Ostend Science Park as home port

captain of industry Christophe Dhaene e-BO Enterprises

e-BO Enterprises

Single Window for Inland Navigation

Single Window For Inland Navigation vlot gestart

Port Oostende berging mosselkooien

Port Oostende stows away 100 tonnes of waste from the North Sea