Single Window for Inland Navigation is live from 04 January 2021

Single Window for Inland Navigation is coming

Last summer, we announced it loud and clear: Single Window for Inland Navigation is on its way! Since its development, various software suppliers and inland shipping operators have extensively tested this new platform, and we are preparing for an official start-up on 4 January 2021.

If you are an inland shipping operator and you already report digitally, the transition to Single Window for Inland Navigation requires very little effort. The only thing you need to do is enter your details correctly and always enter at least two waypoints. This ensures that all the ports and authorities on your route are immediately informed of your arrival, and they can coordinate their internal operations accordingly. What if you are not using digital reporting yet? Then we recommend that you install reporting software on board. 

Using SWINg means less administration
As of 4 January 2021, inland shipping operators no longer need to report voyage, cargo and vessel details via VHF or at a special booth. From that time forward, you only need to report the data once, digitally (via reporting software). This ensures more efficient handling of your administration data, and smooth and correct invoicing.

Would you like to know more about Single Window for Inland Navigation? If so, please go to www.swing 

SWING - Single Window for INland Navigation
