Port Oostende and REBO take next step in active participation in maritime and logistics chain

Due to globalisation and the scaling-up of ships and traffic, ports that are not world hub ports need to reinvent themselves to ensure their future. That’s why, since the beginning of 2019, Port Oostende has resolutely opted to focus on niche growth markets with active participation in the maritime and logistics chain.

This strategy is clearly bearing fruit as evidenced by historically good financial results, rising employment and strong maritime traffics.

Examples of this active participation are the acquisition of 85% of the shares of REBO nv (the heavy weight terminal in the outer port of Oostende). Thus, in October 2019, Port Oostende came into possession of all the shares of this company and REBO nv became a full subsidiary of Port Oostende.

This was followed by a successful strategic reorientation of REBO as a pure offshore wind terminal to a multipurpose heavy weight terminal. This resulted in less dependence on offshore wind with a broader market approach and profitability even in years where there are no offshore wind projects.

Another recent example is the construction of a new 6 900m² warehouse, which REBO nv will operate in-house for the storage of goods from newly attracted maritime traffic. The construction of this warehouse will be completed this summer.

Now REBO nv is taking the next step in its maritime services by carrying out stevedoring activities in the outer port. It has set up a new subsidiary of REBO nv for this purpose: Ostend Stevedoring Services Company or Oostende Stevedoring Services Company nv (OSSCO).

The articles of association were drafted so that there is the possibility of admitting strategic partners to the company in the future. The opportunity to carry out these activities itself presented itself after discussions with Nectar Cargo Handling Belgium NV. This company previously carried out stevedoring activities in Port Oostende.

After an internal reorganisation, Nectar Cargo Handling Belgium will refocus and concentrate on other activities on which it originally focused. In this, Port Oostende saw an opportunity to offer full service in the port and further roll out its strategy of actively participating in the maritime and logistics chain. All service will continue to be guaranteed and all activities will continue.

The fact that the Port Oostende can now also offer stevedoring activities itself is a very important asset for the further growth of the port.

"The ambition of Port Oostende is to offer a competitive range with regard to loading and unloading of ships and to increase its maritime traffic. The establishment of OSSCO contributes to this. It is an investment to further support the growth of maritime traffic; particularly in the field of RoRo, Breakbulk & Project Cargo and with regard to estuary shipping."

"We continue to take steps towards the development of Port Oostende and REBO by offering various services to port users. The establishment of OSSCO strengthens our port and will increase employment in our city."

"I am enormously pleased that we can further develop the strategy of Port Oostende and its subsidiaries. OSSCO provides a range of opportunities in our port, allowing us to optimally build the future."

Port Oostende

Port Oostende is committed to continuity, growth and employment within five pillars: Blue Economy, Lift-on lift-off, Bulk & Project Cargo, Cruises & Roll-on roll-off, Circular Industry and the Fisheries Sector. These sectors are further built on two foundations: prioritising safety, health and the environment and, secondly, supporting innovation and development.
