Board of directors
Port Oostende nv of public law
Port Oostende, nv of Public Law is 100% shareholder of:
and owns 25% of the shares in Ostend Science Park
REBO nv is 100% shareholder of Ostend Stevedoring Services Company nv (OSSCO)
A dynamic team of 13 directors
On 12 February 2019 the then Autonomous Municipal Authority Port Oostende was transformed into a public limited company under public law. A new board of directors was composed of 13 members: 6 municipal councillors; 6 independents and Dirk Declerck, the managing director.
This multidisciplinary board of directors contains a mix of competencies from the business community, government bodies, academia and the legal world.
The six municipal councillors are:
- Mayor Bart Tommelein (Open VLD)
- Alderman of the Port Charlotte Verkeyn (N-VA)
- Alan Van Laer (Open VLD)
- Steven Nagels (N-VA)
- Wouter De Vriendt (Groen)
- An Casteleyn (CD&V)
To introduce more expertise six independent directors have been chosen
- Bart Brackx, ex-topman of Jetair and the West European department of the TUI-group
- professor Dr Carl Devos, political scientist and representative of UGent in West-Flanders
- Lisa Devriese, senior scientific officer policy information at the Flanders Marine Institute
- Hannelore Hochepied, Chief of Operations Commissioner Oostende Police Area
- Kathy Van Damme, operational manager at Vlaams Energiebedrijf
- Prof Dr Eric Van Hooydonk, lecturer in port and maritime law.